The Seanergy® battery system is a high-energy, high-power Li-ion battery solution designed to cater to the diverse power and energy needs of various marine applications.
Product Types
- Modular Design: The Seanergy® system features a modular design that allows for customization to suit different system voltages, application types (floating or cycling), and discharge patterns.
- Base Modules: The system is built from base modules that can be connected in series to accommodate system voltages up to 750 V maximum.
- Control Module: Each string of modules is managed by a unique control module that includes battery management and communication capabilities.
Technical Parameters
- Voltage Range: The system can be configured for a nominal voltage of 647 V to 880 V.
- Capacity: With a capacity ranging from 60 Ah (C/5) to 82 Ah (C/5), the system can store a minimum energy of 49 kWh to a nominal energy of 53 kWh.
- Energy Density: Seanergy® modules utilize LiFePO4 VL 41M Fe 265 Wh/liter or VL 30P Fe 200 Wh/liter high power cells, offering high energy and power density.
- Dimensions: The mechanical design allows for a standard cabinet configuration with dimensions from 24U to 47U in height and a maximum width of 600 mm.
- Weight: The system is lightweight, with a weight of 560 kg without the cabinet and a maximum weight of 750 kg with the cabinet.
- Design Flexibility: Unprecedented flexibility in design allows for adaptation to various marine applications and power requirements.
- High Energy/Power Density: The use of high-density LiFePO4 cells contributes to a compact and powerful energy storage solution.
- Stand-Alone System: The integration of power, controls, communication, and safety into a standard rack-assembly simplifies installation and operation.
- Smart Operation: Features include state of charge and state of health indication, built-in battery control for efficient operation, and redundant safety features.
- Safety: The system is designed with a redundant safety approach to handle component failure or abusive conditions at the cell, module, and system levels.
- Long Lifetime: The system is designed for a very long operational lifetime, with a life expectancy of up to 20 years at +20°C (+68°F).
- Easy Installation and Upscaling: The modular architecture allows for easy installation and upscaling to meet varying application requirements.
- Optimized Supervision Strategy: Remote control and diagnostic capabilities ensure high operational reliability and optimized supervision.
- Passenger Vessels: Suitable for cruise liners, ferries, Ro-Pax, and urban transports.
- Workboats: Ideal for tugs, offshore vessels, administration ships, and fishing vessels.
- Inland Shipping: Applicable for river-sea shuttles, pushers/tugs, and freight operations.
- Leisure Vessels: Perfect for mega yachts and medium-sized yachts.